

Open Data Day 2020 with OKFI

Open Data Day 2020 Time: Saturday 7.3.2020 at 10.00 – 17.00 Place: Helsinki Central Library Oodi, Töölönlahdenkatu 4, Helsinki Saturday 7th March is the official International Open Data Day! For us, it will be a combination of informal discussions and workshops. Topics include Open Data and Wikidata. The day is organised in an unconference way, […]


Autumn general assembly and Xmas party

Time: 2019-12-10 from 4pm onwards Place: Maria01, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Helsinki. Main doors and 2nd floor, Event space. You are welcome to come and cocreate OKFI’s future! During the XMAS party we will discuss and ideate several themes and build the annual plan for 2020. In addition to high flying ideas we will also make very