Hey everyone – the key message of this post is: CHECK YOUR CALENDAR! 🙂
- Indeed it’s a busy, but also fun end-of-the year. Before the year is over we plan to:
- Change the rules of the association
- Plan for 2017
- Hack all sorts of things…
- Finalize some superinteresting projects
- Have several project workshops and seminars
- Celebrate another awesome year!
And YOU are invited!
Upcoming events – Finland
Reminder to everyone: please add relevant open data events to the OKFFI calendar. If you need access, askteemu.ropponen@okf.fi.
Below are first the OKFFI “association meetings”, then events organized by projects or partners. Probably Facebook- or Slack-messages have reached you – but these are info/reminder to those who might not have had a chance to react yet. You are most welcome to any event – signups help preparations, but not usually mandatory.
Oct 20 – New actives meetup
Venue: OKFFI office, Caloniuksenkatu 9 D 64, 4-6 PM
During 2016, Open Knowledge Finland has gotten dozens of new members. Over half of the new board are newcomers. Our actions have grown enormously. So, about time to have a practical briefing for new members, new board members, and other who are interested. It’s a kind of a “Basics of Open Knowledge Finland”.
Info for new members, new board members & representatives and other interested – “Basics of Open Knowledge Finland”.
On the agenda, e.g.:
- What is Open Knowledge Finland?
- How can I be active in the organisation?
- How can I get funding or otherwise advance my idea or project?
- The tools. methods and channels we use to collaborate?
- What is interesting to you and for us all?
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/636116196595242/
Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/234913785/
Oct 27 – Extraordinary general meeting – Ylimääräinen yhdistyskokous
Venue: OKFFI office, Caloniuksenkatu 9 D 64, 4-6 PM
During this fall, Open Knowledge Finland is updating the rules of the association to suit better the current activities and needs. As discussed in the last Annual Meeting this spring, the administration of the association will benefit from having the same board of management during the whole year. This requires a change in the association rules – and in the future there would be a spring meeting and fall meeting. In addition to this, there are a number of smaller changes that may need revision. This session outlines and discusses the needed changes.
Among the larger discussions includes if and how delegative democracy is implemented in Open Knowledge. The documentation and discussion on the new rules is on the document at http://okf.fi/saantomuutos. We also welcome discussion on the Slack – if you do NOT have access to http://okffi.slack.com, kindly contact teemu.ropponen@okf.fi
Extraordinary General Meeting event:
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1026401624140263/
On Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/234913806/
On our website: https://www.okf.fi/about/decision-making/association-meeting-10-2016/
PLEASE REGISTER AT: http://okf.fi/register-egm
Nov 11-12 24h planning retreat for 2017
It’s time to PLAN some awesome actions for 2017. What do we actually want to do? What topics or trends might we find interesting. How do we operationalize our great ideas!?
Like last year, the goal is to have a good 24 hours or so time, at some location out of the office – with a nice mix of super people, hard work, and laughs. Hope you can make it!
Location: TBD, within 30-60 mins of Helsinki center.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1187229484656365/
Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/234941537/
/// Dec 2 – OKAY! – Open Knowledge Awesome Year!
It’s time to celebrate an awesome year!
This year we don’t have Open Finland Challenge or Apps4Finland and the awards gala. The gala event has served for the last 6 years as important get-together for the whole Open Knowledge community.
We still deserve to raise a toast, have some awesome chats and celebrate all the work that we do towards an open society.
Hope to see 100-200 of us open knowledge enthusiasts there – project partners are welcome, too! More info coming up soon as we co-create this!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/158219921304213/
Meetup.com: http://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/234941572/
Location: TBD (searching – your ideas welcome, too!)
Project events
Oct 28-29 – Tietopyyntöiltamat/FOIA workshops
Open Knowledge Finland, Transparency Suomi ja Greenpeace järjestävät yhdessä kaksipäiväisen Tietopyyntöillan.
Open Knowledge Finland, Transparency Finland and Greenpeace are organizing a 2-day workshop on the Freedom of Information Requests (Tietopyyntö).
PERJANTAINA seminaari ja suunnittelutyöpaja
- Puheenvuoroja julkisuuslaista, tutkivasta journalismista ja tiedon avoimuudesta.
- Miten tehdään hyviä tietopyyntöjä?
- Miten prosessi viedään loppuun jos saadaan viranomaiselta kieltävä päätös?
- Tarjoiluna paikallista pizzaa ja virvoitusjuomia. Saunomismahdollisuus 16-19.
LAUANTAINA toteutetaan edellisen päivän suunnitelmia.
Tapahtuman agendaehdotuksia ja aineistoja https://tietopyynto.hackpad.com/WsKRT5lkU2P
Ovet ovat auki jo perjantaina iltapäivällä, aloitellaan ideoinneilla, osallistujien tahtotilojen ja erityisosaamisen mukaan.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1124195064337548/
Oct 31 – Hack the Budget
Venue: Design factory, Espoo
Valtiovarainministeriö, Muutoksentekijät, RAG ja Open Knowledge Finland järjestävät ma 31.10. klo 9-20 Hack the Budget – Kaikkien budjetti -hackathonin, jonka tavoitteena on kehittää uusia tulokulmia valtion budjetti- ja talousdatan hyödyntämiseen.
Hackathonissa on kaksi trackiä, joista Hack Track tähtää budjetti- ja taloustietojen ymmärrettävyyttä lisääviin visualisointeihin ja Jam Track uudenlaisten konseptien kehittämiseen, joissa budjetti- ja taloustiedot ovat osatekijöitä. Kahden trackin tavoitteena on tarjota osallistumismahdollisuuksia sekä koodaajille että erilaisille konseptoijille virkamiehistä yrittäjiin sekä opiskelijoihin.
Aineistojen puolesta käytettävissä ovat Valtionkonttorin Netran budjetti- ja talouden toteutumatiedot sekä muut, soveltuvat avoimet aineistot, joita pääsee tarkastelemaan osoitteessa: http://kaikkienbudjetti.fi/aineistot/
Hackathonin tiimienmuodostus on käynnissä 24.10. asti ja samainen päivä on takaraja hackiin ilmoittautumiselle. Ilmoittautumaan pääsee osoitteessa: http://www.kaikkienbudjetti.fi
Web: http://www.kaikkienbudjetti.fi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1724820961095970/
Nov 3 – Kansalaistiedepäivä: Tutkimus – uusi jokamiehenoikeus
Open Knowledge Finlandin ja Avoin tiede ja tutkimus (ATT) -hankkeen yhteistyön tuloksena syntyneen Avoin kansalaistiede -selvityksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa Suomessa piilevät kansalaistieteen mahdollisuudet. Hanke järjestää 3.11.2016 tiedekeskus Heurekassa työpajan, jossa lavalle marssii kuusi kekseliästä kansalaistiede-esimerkkiä: BalticApp-sovellus kerää Itämereen liittyviä kansalaishavaintoja. Lajirikkauskartta-hanke etsii metsädatan avulla arvokkaita luontokohteita. Metallinetsijät kaivavat pelloista muinaisesineitä. Avoin karttahanke kerää paikkatietoja ja Mikrohistoriawiki haluaa perhealbumit verkkoon. Yksilökeskeiseen dataan pureudutaan biohakkeroinnin ja sukututkimuksen esimerkkien kautta.
Iltapäiväosuudessa julkaistaan Lajirikkaus-kartta projektin tulokset kuohuviinitarjoulun saattelemana.
Työpaja on avoin kaikille, jotka haluavat vaikuttaa suomalaisen kansalaistieteen suuntaan -työryhmissä työstetään toimenpidesuosituksia hankkeen taustalla oleville ATT-hankkeelle ja Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriölle.
Ilmoittaudu Eventbritessä!
Twitterissä: #kansalaistiede
Facebook-eventissä: https://www.facebook.com/events/187766841661149/
Nov 15 – Yhtäköyttä – Miten tietoa tuotetaan yhdessä -seminaari
Varaa kalenteriisi tutkimuksen ja päätöksenteon yhteisiä tietokäytäntöjä selvittäneen Yhtäköyttä-hankkeen loppuseminaariin 15.11.2016 klo 9-12 Helsingissä. Tarkemmat tiedot julkistetaan pian hankkeen verkkosivuilla (www.yhtakoytta.fi) ja Facebook-ryhmässä Open Democracy Finland ja Open Knowledge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1780490758834781 /
/// Nov 21-23 – Nordic Open Science Forum
Venue: Main building of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki city centre, Bulevardi 31
Audience: Nordic research policy-oriented stakeholders (22 Nov) and research communities (21 and 23 Nov)
Theme: Open research data
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture will organize by its Open Science and Research Initiative (ATT) a Nordic conference on open research data on November 21-23 in Helsinki. The conference consists of main event (on 22nd) and four co-organized workshops (on 21st and 23rd). The main event is targeted for policy-oriented stakeholders and the workshops for wider audieence, such as researchers and open science enablers and promoters.
See more at: http://avointiede.fi/foorumi
ov 25 – 27 – Ultrahack 48h hackathon tournament finals
Ultrahack is a development runway for next generation innovations. Our goal is to bring together developers, startups and corporations to solve world-class challenges with the latest technologies.
We want to offer you the best environment to hack: Join Ultrahack to compete for more than one million euro investments, boost your skills to new heights and experience the Ultrahack spirit. There will also be other significant prizes for the best teams. The investments will be offered during the Tournament with Nestholma and the size of an individual investment will be 10 000 – 150 000 euros.
Are you ready to hack and get ultrahacked?
More: www.ultrahack.org – https://www.facebook.com/ultrahackhq/
Promo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmTZCl-WG-E
Reoccurring events
Helsinki <3 Developers
Reminder: Every two weeks on Thursdays, Hel<3Developers events at Helsinki Think Company
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/heldev/
MaptimeTurku is a meeting place for discussing mapmaking and open geospatial datasets. We learn different things every time! Mapmaking can be easy and fun! Come and join us every 2 month at block restaurant Kerttu (Läntinen pitkäkatu 35, Turku). Next time and issues will be announced in meetup.com/MaptimeTurku/. Follow us also on Twitter:twitter.com/MaptimeTurku
Open Data Afterwork – Turku
Meet open minded people around Turku city. Join Open Data Southwest Finland meetup group and stay in touch.
International events
12-14 November /// OpenCon 2016 , Washington DC, USA
OpenCon is a platform for the next generation to learn about Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, develop critical skills, and catalyze action toward a more open system of research and education. OpenCon 2016 will be held in Washington DC on November 12-14, with satellite events around the world. OpenCon will convene students and early career academic professionals from around the world and serve as a powerful catalyst for projects led by the next generation to advance OpenCon’s three focus areas.
7-9 December /// Open Government Partnership 2016 Global Summit – Paris, France
The OGP Global Summit provides a unique opportunity to bring together, stimulate and expand the community of state reformers worldwide. Representatives from governments, academia, civil society and international organizations gather to share their experience and best practices and push the open government global agenda forward.
The OGP 2016 Global Summit will focus on building new alliances between governments and civil society. We commit to making government activities more collaborative and efficient by deepening public participation. France would like to adopt a forward-looking approach to develop a long-term vision of open government and investigate the potential and impact of digital technologies on democracy.
Ongoing or upcoming funding calls
- Suomen Kulttuurirahasto (deadline 31.10.2016), www.skr.fi
- 6Aika, phase 2 (deadline 21.12.2016), http://6aika.fi/rakennetaan-uutta-kaupunkia-yhdessa/
- VNK TEAS (deadline 16.11.2016), http://tietokayttoon.fi/kaynnissa-olevat-haut
Do you have an idea you would like to realise in to a project? Need funding? Open Knowledge Finland is happy to host your open knowledge -related projects! If you are you planning to submit something or you know of another call or other opportunity, please contact teemu.ropponen@okf.fi, let’s see if we can boost the application process!
Get in touch!
Let’s talk more! If you want to join Open Knowledge Finland, that’s great. It’s a statement – not so much a way to get more obligations or benefits. But, we like you regardless if you’re a member or not 🙂
Please feel free to come to any of our events – or join the discussion on our online forums:
- Slack
- Facebook – Open Knowledge Finland -page
- Facebook – Finnish Open Data Ecosystem (nearly 4000 people, not official channel)
- Twitter – @okffi
Any questions? Kindly contact info@okf.fi or teemu.ropponen@okf.fi // 040-5255153, or better yet, through Slack -channels and Facebook -pages.