We want your insights! Where are we now, where are we going? JOIN the 24h retreat (at OKFI’s cost) to plan for the future Dec 8-9 in Nuuksio.
Kaipaamme näkemystästi! Missä olemme, minne menemme? Tule mukaan 24h suunnittelutretriittiin (OKFI;n kustannuksella) 8.-9.12. Nuuksiossa.
OKFI is 5 years old! As in the years before, time for a joint intensive planning session of 24 hours! Making sure we collectively take a helicopter view of where we are and where we need to go!
Goals and agenda
- reflection and having a good time in good company
- regrouping and team building
- crystallizing the action plan for 2018
- crystallizing more long term goals
- solving and decision-making on SOME pragmatic issues
The key idea is that the program is crowdsourced and co-created to a large extent. Kindly have a look and COMMENT on the agenda! WHAT DO WE WANT TO DO?! Half a dozen sessions have been suggested, but many more needed! Let’s get creative!!!
AGENDA – http://okf.fi/retreat-2017-agenda – and this is to be co-created!
There will be joint transportations (first leaving at 4 PM on Fri 8.12.) – kindly post any questions to the Facebook or Meetup event below, to the agenda doc, or to teemu.ropponen@okf.fi so the same info can be shared with others.
Sign up and other details
Please SIGN UP at http://okf.fi/retreat-2017-signup, preferably by 1 Dec, 2017.
Cool if you can also show your interest at:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/events/777120042489900/
Meetup – https://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/245105568/
The event will be in English AND Finnish, and who knows, Swedish and Portugese perhaps.