Learn, think and do #opendata 360 degrees! How are the tech giant Tencent and City of Helsinki using open data to create a Helsinki city guide to the Chinese WeChat platform. How is Whim revolutionizing transportation with their Mobility as a service thinking, using open data, open APIs. Why did the National gallery release 12000 fine art images for free reuse. And, how can YOU create a more transparent, effective, creative and well-being world. Join us for three days of open data extravaganza! Open knowledge, open collaboration, open society!
Each year, on March 3, the international open day is celebrated across the world. This year, we are planning to be quite active and take a 360-degrees approach, and invite you to take part in some of the events. As the open data day is a Saturday, we thought it could be useful to have some program in the preceding days, too – to make sure have also the public sector and businesses involved. Hope you can pop in anytime at a time convenient for you – bring a friend, too!
Day 1: Kickoff to Open Data Day by Helsinki Loves Developers & Open Knowledge Finland
Thursday March 1, 2018 at 3-6 PM, The Shortcut Lab at Maria 01 (Door 15B)
The first meetup that will be organized as a part of Open Data Day 2018 event series in Finland on 1st – 3rd March! During this Helsinki Loves Developers & OKFI event you will get a great view what has happened during the past years in terms of open data in Finland and which are the outcomes and benefits, what is happening at the moment and which are the next steps. This event is a great place to meet and discuss with open data advocates, users and other stakeholders. The aim of the event is to promote awareness and use of open data – especially to new audiences, like the startups at Maria 01.
Meet new folks, hear cases like Whim (Mobility as a service, using open data and open APIs in transport) and Energy and climate atlas and solar energy potential (3D open data models).
15 – 15.45 What is open data? Where are we at, why should we care?
- Open Data in a nutshell – what’s in it for me?
- The Finnish Open Data Ecosystem is amazing!
15.45 – 17.15 Using open data for your business –
- How Tencent and Helsinki worked together to bring a Helsinki guide to the Chinese WeChat platform
- Whim – Mobility as a service revolutionizes public transport – using open data, open APIs, Jonna Pöllänen/MaaS Global
- Energy and climate atlas and solar energy potential (3D) as open data – https://kartta.hel.fi/3d/atlas/ and https://kartta.hel.fi/3d/solar/ , Petteri Huuska
- DOB for data-driven business, Jyrki Koskinen
- How the National Gallery released 12000 artworks for free reuse
17.15 -> Dialogue and workshopping
- What data do YOU need? How to make collaboration smoother Challenges in using open data
More cool surprises likely! The event space is The Shortcut Lab at Maria 01 – Door 15B.
Call 040-5255153/Teemu or post to the event page, if you are having trouble finding the place.
Sign up:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/940493522793115/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/247800446/
Day 2: Hands-on sessions and meetups of the projects and working groups of Open Knowledge Finland
Friday March 2, 2018 at 10 AM – 7 PM at Maria 01 (Door 15E)
The day will end with the session #4 for the OKFI Strategy 2018-2023. Topics may include e.g. MyData, Lobbaus läpinäkyväksi – Transparency of Lobbying, new projects (Avoimet juuret, Wikidocumentaries, New Digital Rights), Open Science, AvoinGLAM, MyData, etc. Suggestions for specific activities are still welcome!
- 10 – 12.30 Project sessions, parallel tracks
- 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch session on ResponsiveORG and open collaboration.
- 13.30 – 15.30 Project sessions, parallel tracks
- 16 – 17 AvoinGLAM working group meet
- 17 – 19 Joint Open Knowledge Strategy session
- 19 -> Open Beers?!
Lunch and snacks are on the house! Co-create the agenda at http://okf.fi/odd-2018
The event spaces are 2 large meeting rooms at Maria 01 – Door 15E.
Call 040-5255153/Teemu or post to the event page, if you are having trouble finding the place.
Sign up:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/172198743543043/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/246875734/
Day 3: Open Data Jam: Mapathons, Democrathon and Lightning Talks
Saturday March 3, 2018 at 10 AM – 4 PM at Maria 01 event space (Main door 15C, 2nd floor)
This is the official Open Data Day. For us, it would be a combination of brunch, mapathons, wikidata democrathon and other stuff we co-create! Feel free to pop by when you have a chance! The programme will include at least the following:
- Democratic Commons Democrathon
The Democrathon, or Democratic commons workshop, is a session with the intention of adding and improving various national, regional and/or municipal political and legislative data in Wikidata for Finland. This builds nicely on the Vaalidatahack that YLE organized about a year ago, and is based on MySociety’s Democratic Commons project, see https://www.mysociety.org/2017/11/22/democratic-commons-open-data-infrastructure-for-democracy/. We will have a visiting expert from the UK hosting the event. Tony Bowden works for mySociety, he’s the project lead on mySociety’s EveryPolitician/Wikidata project. EveryPolitician is Tony’s brainchild coming from his deep understanding that it’s impossible to create services to hold politicians to account if you’re not starting with good quality, consistent data. - Three mapathons for OpenStreetMap (OSM): Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT-OSM), street views for OSM with Mapillary, and OSM mapping for local purposes.In mapathons people gather together to improve open maps. Experience in mapping is not needed, each mapathon includes guidance throughout the event. You may attend just a single mapathon or all of them – or just come to meet and chat with people in Finnish mapping communities, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team and OSM Finland. Most of the time is used for hands-on mapping or photographing outdoors.
- The Mapillary mapathon takes us outdoors and allows anyone to share their street level photos to create street views or to help, for example, in OpenStreetMap editing.
- In the Humanitarian OSM mapathon, a vulnerable area of the world is mapped, in order to support disaster risk reduction and response efforts, typically done using aerial images.
- The OSM mapping for our local needs, for example Digitransit Journey Planner (HSL Reittiopas and opas.matka.fi) and your specific interests, utilizes aerial images and other data sources such as Mapillary photos. It is useful if you bring your own smartphone, laptop and mouse.
The event space are event space and meeting rooms on the 2nd floor of Maria 01, MAIN ENTRANCE. Call 040-5255153/Teemu or post to the event page, if you are having trouble finding the place.
Sign up:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/532955153746624/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Open-Data-Finland/events/246875754/
The Open Data Day activities are brought to you by Open Knowledge Finland, City of Helsinki – Hel <3 Developers, Wikimedia Finland, MySociety, Mapbox, Open StreetMap Finland, Humanitarian Open StreetMap, The Shortcut, The Shuttleworth Foundation and of course Open Knowledge International. THANK YOU <3