What's beyond democracy? Join our Social Innovation for Systems Change Finland group

Open Knowledge Finland’s Social Innovation for Systems Change Finland group focuses on creating an Open Society and what should come together to enable one. Tags include but are not restricted to: #openinnovation #participation #systemsthinking #opendata etc.
Are you trying to transform a social system? What do you need in order to become more successful in your change efforts?
We warmly invite you – social innovator, designer, activist, public official or other world changer – to a network of conversation around responding to complex social challenges.
Our intention is to bring together people who want to apply design methods, systems thinking and collaborative approaches to systems change. Whether you’ve already done that successfully or keep bumping into obstacles, come deepen your network, share your experiences and talk about how we might collectively become more effective at changing the systems we want to see flourish.
Want to join in?

Join the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SocInnFI/

Check the web page: https://socinn.fi

Join #socinnfi on Slack: https://okfi.slack.com/messages/CD68D0X8A/

Join the Open Knowledge Finland Slack for the discussion, you can get an invite here: https://okfi-slack.herokuapp.com/