Join us at Maria 01, entrance 5E, Corner room on Mon 25.2.2019 17-19 for an evening dedicated to explore our Open Funding practices and opportunities for applying for funding to fulfill ideas you or others might have and get a job.
Let us know if you’re coming by clicking “Going” on Facebook:
Open Knowledge Finland is almost completely funded by the projects that we do.
As openness is a core value to us, we do Open Funding, meaning Open Knowledge Finland serves as a project platform for it’s members. You can come to us with your project ideas and we can help you find and exercise funding opportunities for them if they’re aligned with our purpose and you’re willing to do the projects thorough our association.
Open Funding also means that we plan funding applications together and we support making these by free lunches or dinners To follow and join in what we’re doing you might want to:
Check our Funding Trello board:
Join the #funding channel on the Open Knowledge Finland Slack.
Join the Open Knowledge Finland Slack for the discussion, you can get an invite here:
The general activities of Open Knowledge Finland are funded by a 18 % general fee of the projects income but for this the projects get:
- Usage of the well-known Open Knowledge Finland brand
- Administrative support
- Payroll and billing functions
- An active community of people who can volunteer and help out