Fall Annual General Meeting 2023

Date and time: 13 December 2022, at 18:00

Location: Online (https://meet.google.com/hwc-faoi-ttj) and Oodi (Group Space 7)

  1. Opening of the meeting and calling the meeting to order
    1. The Chair of the association opened the meeting at hh:mm.
    2. Chosen as Chair of the meeting: NN
    3. Chosen as Secretary: Janne Peltola
    4. Chosen as Tellers: NN, NN
    5. Chosen as Examiners of the minutes: NN, NN
    6. The meeting invitations were sent via email on dd.mm. as well as having been included in the newsletters. The meeting is declared to have been convened according to association rules.
    7. Participants were recorded to Appendix 1.
  2. Approving the agenda
    1. The agenda was approved.
  3. Confirmation of annual plan, budget, membership classes & fees
    1. Annual plan and budget were introduced.
      1. Annual plan. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TA_Yj3lH7_MWgiGyOtRwjZHjkNwitrsasgdpPDj5HAU/edit?usp=drive_link 
      2. Budget. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dYyTsPxfbk1LxswozUt-1iGCBxOq1BWoQ7k44AHstLo/edit?usp=drive_link 
      3. Membership fees: The Board proposes 20 € for individual membership and 100 € for organizational membership. The fees are the same as in 2023.
    2. Discussion:
    3. Decisions:
      1. Action plan approved as presented.
      2. Budget approved as presented.
      3. Fees approved as presented.
  4. Strategy 2024-2027
    1. The Board proposes a new strategy for OKFI for the period 2024-2027.
      1. Over the course of the fall, the executive director and the board have been preparing a strategy for OKFI.
      2. The goal of the strategy is to lay out our mission and vision and strategic objectives for the next three years.
      3. Our proposed mission would read as follows: The purpose of Open Knowledge Finland is to contribute to making Finland a more open society. Openness stands for transparency, the use of open intellectual property and collaboration. Open Knowledge Finland is part of the global Open Knowledge movement.
      4. Our proposed vision would read as follows: Finland is a vibrant open democracy where all stakeholders work together towards a better society. We want more pluralism, open dialogue, collaboration and common ground in societal interactions.
      5. Our chosen ways of working would revolve around autonomy, transparency and collaboration.
      6. Our proposed strategic goals would be to advance open knowledge, open science, open culture and open governance in Finland.
      7. Draft: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZWoyxh2ce_86taXSpk-2OxO7O3kxyc8xPaHvi4xOkO4/edit?usp=sharing
    2. Discussion:
    3. Decision:
      1. The meeting approved the strategy as presented.
  5. Selection of chair and board members
    1. Candidates are presented before the meeting here: Candidate Presentations
    2. Discussion:
    3. Decision:
      1. Chair: NN
      2. Board members: 
  6. Selection of auditors and/or layman auditors
    1. Board proposal: Hannele Stenmark, KHT, BDO Oy (current auditor), backed up by Teemu Koski, KHT, BDO Oy to be elected as Auditors. Compensation by invoice.
    2. Discussion:
    3. Decision:
      1. Financial auditor: As proposed.
      2. Layman auditors: NN
  7. Other business
    1. None
  8. Adjourning the meeting
    1. The chair thanked all those present. The meeting adjourned at hh:mmm.