Invitation to OKFI Spring General Meeting June 12 at 4–6 pm

Open Knowledge Finland ry invites its members to the Spring General Meeting on Wednesday June 12, 2024 at 4–6 pm. The meeting will take place in the Urban3 space of the Maria01 startup campus (Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Helsinki, building 3, 2nd floor). The venue is signposted from the campus courtyard.

We invite members to complement the Board for the latter part of 2024. If you are interested in joining the OKFI Board, please register and contact the Acting Executive Director in advance at

👉 Remember to pay your membership fee – or join as member!

Meeting agenda:

  1. Calling the meeting to order
  2. Announcements
  3. Presentation of the annual accounts and annual report for 2023 and the opinion of the auditors/layman auditors
  4. Approving the financial statements for 2023 and granting discharge to the Board of Directors and other accountable persons
  5. Adopting the change to the characterisation of Open Culture in the OKFI strategy
  6. Vote on completing the Board of Directors
  7. Other matters
  8. Closing of the meeting

👉 The meeting materials will be added to the meeting materials folder at Spring General Meeting open materials.

After the event, from 6pm to 7.30pm, we have reserved the big screen at URBAN3 for participation in a webinar. The webinar series AI and the Commons, hosted by the Open Future Foundation, will feature this time Mathilde Pavis, an expert in intellectual property law, ethics, and new technologies, and Mike Weinberg, Executive Director of NYU’s Engelberg Center for Innovation Law and Policy. Our guests will talk about how AI is used by museums — the debates and questions it raises with an emphasis on public domain digital collections in particular and the approach to these issues taken by the “open community” within the heritage sector so far. 

👉 Participating in the meeting is possible on-site or remotely. Please register using the form to arrange catering and remote access. A link to remote participation will be sent to registered participants.

On behalf of the Board of Open Knowledge Finland 28 May 2024

Susanna Ånäs, Interim Executive Director