Introducing 15+ hands-on session formats

The next step, or perhaps a giant leap, of the Finnish open knowledge scene will be taken on 8-9 February 2013 when Open Knowledge Finland Convention will be organised in Tuusula. Bring together 100 Open Knowledge enthusiasts, open crowdsourcing for the programme, prohibition for dull power point monologues and make the participants from different areas clash to boost their projects, interests and work, mmm, no, passion is the right word! Get an experience like no other! This is the OKF Finland Convention.

Call for proposals
At the OK Festival we heard that you like things such as Open Democracy, Open Data, Open Business, Open Culture, Open Source, Open Development, Data journalism, Open hardware and many more, so we decided to provide the framework for you to put them all together!
For everybody’s convenience, we thought that it would the better the less monologues and power point there is, and the more of session formats such as usability test camp, round table discussion, video studio, API dates, sauna session or even after hours chill-out gaming like a good old LAN party!
No, we are not the best judges of what interests the Finnish Open Knowledge community the most -you are! So, to let you know what there is to come as early as possible, and for you who want to take your doing forward, why don’t we do this programme-crowdsourcing openly? That’s why we have collaborative writing documents opened for the call for proposals submission -just start typing in a free slot at the end of the page! In this round, open until 14.12, just write in your idea briefly, and maybe you’ll already attract new co-workers to help you out! And if you don’t have an idea just yet, why don’t offer your help to somebody who might appreciate it?
We, the core team, have already had fun and exciting work while planning the OKF Convention and the best is yet to come – so, it is our pleasure to welcome you to participate in the next and so far biggest OKF Finland event yet!

OKF Finland Convention100 Participants24 Hours AgendaCrowdsourced ProgrammeInspiring Venue
Important right now: Programme Crowdsourcing / Call for Proposals is open until Dec 14.