OKFI is looking for passionate contributors to its core operations

Hello OKFInauts! We at OKFI have been busy restructuring ourselves ever since the successful launch of MyData Global ry. We’ve specified some core roles that need passionate, competent people to help the cause of open knowledge in Finland. OKFI can offer a moderate compensation that scales with our operational volume.

OKFInauts at an OKFI retreat

UPDATE 2019-04-18: The applications have been reviewed and decisions have been made as follows: Arto Lampila for communications, Blina Meta for treasurer, John Sperryn for project support. Thank you to all applicants!

We have four roles:

  • Sysadmin, already filled since 2018
  • Communicator, to be filled now
  • Project support, to be filled now
  • Treasurer, to be filled now

All these roles will have autonomy to fulfill their purpose the best way they see fit. We don’t count working hours, just expect certain results in return for the monetary renumeration.

You can find the role domain descriptions in this Google Drive folder. There’s also a spreadsheet that estimates the monthly and yearly renumerations for the roles, based on currently active projects. Feel free to add comments if there is something you want to ask about or improve.

And of course, if you feel like you could chip in with your time and awesomeness, do let us know. Message the chair Tarmo Toikkanen on our slack, or send email to tarmo@okf.fi. Please be prompt, these positions are filled as soon as we have suitable people to take them on.