AvoinGLAM reboots

AvoinGLAM reboots its activities by bringing Open Knowledge Finland, Creative Commons Finland, and Wikimedia Finland around the same table to promote Open Access to cultural heritage in Finland.

Discussion events

We are kicking off the spring program with a series of biweekly online discussions on Thursdays, and AvoinGLAM “Coffee & cookies” chats on alternating Thursdays.

Our objectives are

  1. We help Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums build capacity for digital transformation by promoting Open Access to cultural heritage.
  2. We advocate and build public policy for Open Access to cultural heritage and emerging topics affecting open cultural heritage.
  3. We create projects, campaigns, and events to promote the release, discovery, reuse and enriching of open cultural materials.
  4. We advance open and equitable participation in public discourse and in creating the cultural reminiscence online.
  5. We support cultural and linguistic diversity, including revitalization efforts of underresourced languages, promoting practices of sharing Traditional Knowledge responsibly online, and collaborating with minority language communities in facilitating the production of multilingual online materials.

Read our ideas and plans

Join us!

There’s no formal membership, just join the activities and channels!